Reading Beckett’s poetry in Finnish or: ystäväni pyysi minua kääntämään tämän otsikon / moving image, vinyls / 08:25 / installation shots / 2017
Something to do with access, something to do with permission.
Something to do with embarrassment, or ridicule.
Something to do with control and a lack of control.
Something to do with wrongness and mumbling and broken.
Something to do with translation, and layers and levels of it.
Something to do with who can do what, who can understand what, who can make what.
Something to do with imitation, language as just a sound, mimicking, parroting.
Something to do with working blind, something to do with what is the point in that?
Something to do with literature haha.
Something to do with white noise, fading it out as you work in a cafe, something to do with meaninglessness.
Something to do with translation, with dominance, with vulnerability.
Something to do with grasping.
Exhibited at Kuvataideakatemia Library, Helsinki